Saturday, May 14, 2022

Elise Stefanik, Enemy Of The People

By Sniffles

We cats are embarrassed to say that we are represented in Congress by Elise Stefanik. "Elsie" first ran in 2014 as a work-across-the-aisle, "sensible" Republican. Now, although she holds the #3 position in House Republican leadership (after they defenestrated Liz Cheney), she has gone completely off the Trumpy deep end.

Not only has she tweeted this week that the federal government should allow babies in customs detention at the southern border to starve, but in the wake of today's Tops supermarket massacre in Buffalo, she's being fingered as a source of the racist "great replacement" theory.

So, our member of Congress is no better than Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Madison Cawthorne, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, Jim Jordan, and all the other nutcases that populate 2022's GOP. We are disgusted and ashamed.

In the words of Congressman Eric Swalwell: "You know why Elise’s tweet is so awful? We just suffered another mass shooting as a country from a shooter motivated by extremism. You know what feeds extremism? [Tweets] from Elise. We can have community or we can have chaos. Elise has chosen chaos. Let’s all make her own this."

Yes, let's make her. We cats hate Elise, and we HISS.

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