Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Kittens Came Out!

By Baxter

While there were definitely some midterm heartbreakers last night, we cats are feeling pretty good. The endlessly hyped "red wave" was more like a trickle, and a lot of GOP finger-pointing is going on. (And fighting. Good.) But the most heartening sight was all the young people standing in line for hours to vote because they're furious about their rights being taken away. Their turnout was amazing.

And that's not all. An exit poll by the Edison Research National Election Pool showed that the choice for House candidates by voters age 18 to 29 was 63 percent for Democrats, 35 percent for Republicans — the only age group in which more than half of votes were Democratic.

But definitely don't wring your paws over the other groups. As our favorite DNC chair once said, if you get young people to vote Democratic, you've likely got a voter for life. That's a great investment.

Can you imagine what the Republicans would have to do to get young Americans to switch their party allegiance at this point? The GOP is so thoroughly backward on reproductive rights, the environment, LBGTQ+ rights, civil rights, preserving democracy, student loans, and the rest of it, that they'd have to blow themselves up for a complete reinvention. We encourage them to do it — for the sake of the country. In the meantime, thanks, young people. We cats PURR.

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