Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tidbits And Cat Treats: A Pretty Good Day Edition

By Zamboni

The nation has had worse days, politically speaking. We're seeing lots of headlines that bring satisfied Cheshire cat grins to our furry faces. Here are a few of them.

The Senate just voted to protect marriage equality for interracial and same-sex couples. Mitch McConnell, who is in an interracial marriage, voted "no." Good thing Clarence Thomas isn't a Senator!

Stewart Rhodes and his sidekick Kelly Meggs were convicted of seditious conspiracy this afternoon, with three of their minions convicted on lesser but still serious charges. Look for all of them to be hauled off to the hoosegow for a long, long time. And look for other January 6 defendants to maybe decide they should plead guilty and/or cooperate with prosecutors.

Once again, Georgia voter turnout for the December 6 Senate runoff has been off the charts. With the GOP having performed so poorly on Election Day, it's hard to believe that it's energized Republicans who are thronging to the polls. And Senator Raphael Warnock has three times more money than Herschel Walker — to fund even more GOTV.

Republicans continue to flail, with more of them jumping on the we're-not-anti-Semitic bandwagon. Donald Trump must be furious. And the MyPillow dude has declared his candidacy for chairman of the RNC — to run against a woman who literally changed her name for Trump. Could the party finally be circling the drain? You'd love to see it.

But our favorite thing might be the pictures that have come out of President Biden's meeting with Congressional leaders today. See how happy Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer look! Check out those morose/forced smile expressions on McConnell and the hapless Kevin McCarthy! We cats PURR.

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