Monday, January 5, 2009

Franken Wins! Let the Drumbeat Begin...

By Baxter

The Minnesota Canvassing Board has certified the results of the 2008 Senate race. But the state itself cannot certify a winner until any and all legal challenges are resolved.

Which means Minnesota only has one Senator right now. Because although Al Franken is ahead by 225 votes, Norm "Let the Healing Process Begin" Coleman says he'll contest the election. So we all have to do a Tinkerbell and clap our hands. We need a chorus of voices to tell Normie to DROP THE HECK OUT.

After all, here's what Norm Coleman himself said, on the day after Election Day:

"I have great confidence in the Minnesota system. I have confidence whether I would have won or lost. I've run a lot of races. I've never questioned the way in which our election system works... I think we take pride in the system we have in the state, and I don't believe there'd be any reason for there to be an exception in yesterday's race."

We have confidence in the Minnesota system, too, former Senator Coleman. HISS!

(Photo: Carlos Gonzalez, Minneapolis Star-Tribune)

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