Saturday, January 3, 2009

What About That "Healing Process," Norm?

By Zamboni

Creepy Norm Coleman sure was eager to close the books on the Minnesota Senate race when he was in the lead.

Now, not so much.

Two months ago, the incumbent Republican was quick not just to declare victory but also to demand that Democratic Farmer Labor Party challenger Al Franken waive his right to a recount. Counting the votes again, Mr. Coleman averred, would cost too much, and certainly wouldn't change the outcome of a race he then led by a margin of 438. "I just think the need for the healing process is so important," he burbled.

How things have changed.

One recount later, Al Franken leads by 49, Coleman is considering filing a legal challenge, and Senate Republicans are whining that they'll filibuster any Democratic effort to seat Franken if he's certified the winner this week. Meanwhile, Normie could lose his Senate privileges when his term officially expires — something we cats devoutly hope comes to pass.

Ahhh, Republicans. Their sense of entitlement knows no bounds. First they call on Franken to essentially concede before all the votes are counted — and now they're pitching a fit if the Democratic majority in the Senate tries to welcome a certified winner to their ranks.

"The height of arrogrance," Texas Republican John Cornyn sniffed. We cats suggest that Senator Cornyn and his GOP pals look in the mirror when they say stuff like that.

UPDATE: The recount is finished, and Franken leads by 225. It's time for Coleman to concede so that the healing process can begin.


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