Monday, August 17, 2009

Blowing Our Stacks

By Baxter

We cats are grooming and yawning this summer afternoon, and wondering why everyone seems to be so upset.

Headlines scream that the public option is dead or dying. Lyndon LaRouche followers and other right-wing morons threaten their Senators and Congressmen. President Obama's approval rating drops. Charles Grassley loses his mind. Michael Vick returns to football. (Wait a minute — Michael Vick! Okay, now we are upset.)

But — hold on a second. Don't we all realize what's going here? It's August.

Hinky things always happen in August. Countries get invaded, nuclear bombs get dropped, Presidents resign, and princesses die in car crashes. It's just a crazy month.

Meanwhile, we cats — unlike most of the humans populating cable news these days — endeavor to relax and take the long view.

Sure, it's nutty out there. But that's why they call them "the dog days."

If they were cat days, they'd be much more pleasant.

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