Friday, August 7, 2009

Shucks, Folks, We're Speechless

By Zamboni

So, we cats think this has been a pretty good week. Not only has the Senate confirmed Sonia Sotomayor as the newest U.S. Supreme Court justice, but Senator Kirsten Gillibrand will run unopposed in New York, we've knocked off the head of the Taliban in Pakistan, and, contrary to the whining of the naysayers, it looks as if the stimulus package has started to work.

Oh, and Bill Clinton rescued those journalists in North Korea. We cats jump up on former President Clinton's lap and rub the tops of our heads under his chin. PURR!

But now, we cats are mesmerized by the news out of Florida: Republican Senator Mel Martinez, fresh off his vote to confirm Judge Sotomayor, has decided to resign his job early. Is there ANY Republican who feels he or she must finish the term to which he or she has been elected?

Scariest scenario on the Martinez resignation: That it's an opportunity for Florida Governor Charlie Crist to appoint Republican Senate primary rival Marco Rubio — not in preparation for the 2010 race, but to position him to run against Bill Nelson in 2012.

Well, no sense borrowing trouble. In the meantime, we cats are marveling at the fact that there are NO blacks, Jews or Hispanics left in the Senate on the Republican side of the aisle. The only minority group represented there are closeted gays. Who'd-a thunk it?

(PHOTO: David Zentz / Associated Press)

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