Monday, October 19, 2009

Holes in the Story

By Baxter

Now that Politico has jumped on the Charlie-Crist-might-lose bandwagon, we cats would like to spend today's post criticizing it. Not because we love Charlie Crist and think he'll win in a walk. But because Politico's reporting, as usual, is mighty shallow.

Here are just a few of the items Politico missed:

  • No mention of the Club for Growth's being pro-Rubio, or the possible impact said Club had on the Pennsylvania Senate primary in 2004 and the Rhode Island Senate primary in 2006. (Hint: Arlen Specter is now a Democrat, and Lincoln Chafee is out of office.)
  • No mention of former Governor Jeb Bush and his not-so-secret leanings. (Ugh. We cats feel a hairball coming on.)
  • No mention of Crist's recent, ambitious nuptials, or the fact that his beard, oops, we mean, his wife has a strong desire to escape Tallahassee for Washington.
  • No mention of Crist having run for the Senate and lost in the 1990s.
  • No mention of 2012 Republican Presidential politics and how it may shadow this race. (In 2008, Rubio endorsed Huckabee early. Crist basically handed Florida to McCain by endorsing him, much to the rage and ire of the right-wing nutbags.)
  • No quote from a Florida Democrat, speculating on how much damage a divisive GOP primary could do.
Politico, "F" stands for "Florida" — and for the big, fat, failing grade we give you.

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