Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hot Air

By Zamboni

We cats will not comment on that silly balloon boy story beyond observing that journalism failed us once again. Oh, and also, that we wonder if that child is really a cat. He sure throws up a lot.

Nevertheless, even if we'd never heard of that irritating family from Colorado, there would be no shortage of hot air these days. And not just because the 90-degree weather we've been living with all month finally broke last night.

It's just so striking to us that cable news shouters, right-wing maniacs and liberal losers suffering from terminal righteous indignation all seem to be yammering on about whether President Obama has let us all down. How is that possible? As far as we can tell, he hasn't failed at anything yet. (Beyond apparently not being able to charm the IOC — something we consider an asset, not a liability.)

Even if he hadn't had to pull us back from the brink of another Great Depression, stuff is getting done. He reversed that silly abortion gag rule during his first days in office. Health care reform and climate change legislation are on the way. Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo will be dealt with — by sane people, not the likes of Dick Cheney. Sonia Sotomayor is on the Supreme Court — and the other Justices aren't getting any younger. Yep, nine months in, we cats have to say that we're feeling pretty good.

People tend to underestimate Barack Obama. We cats certainly did, and we freely admit it. Now that he is President, considering everything that was on his plate on January 20 — and knowing how politics and government work — we're willing to be patient a little longer.

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