Friday, October 9, 2009

Random Thoughts on Obama's Nobel

By Baxter

Contrary to what the right-wing crazies, the RNC, liberal-loser killjoys and some cable news talking heads are saying, there is no downside to the Nobel Peace Prize. None.

Memo to George W. Bush: The world still hates you.

Fun fact: Three of the last four Democrats elected to the Presidency (Jimmy Carter, President Gore, and now, Barack Obama) have won the Peace Prize.

Some pundits were asking this morning what Bill Clinton is thinking. We cats were wondering that, too. However, as the Nobel Committee has awarded the prize in recognition of Obama's global outreach, we think it could be interpreted as a nod to this Administration's entire foreign policy team — which is headed by our current Secretary of State.

John McCain, for once in his life, is correct. Grow up, Republicans.

P.S. Happy birthday, Bo.

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