Monday, June 14, 2010

Charlie Crist, Baby Killer

By Sniffles

Did you think we cats had forgotten Charlie Crist? Oh, never! First, we used to be constituents of his — and second, we're hard-pressed to think of a bigger thorn in the GOP's side these days.

Gay Charlie comes from the fourth-largest state in the nation, and he is mighty, mighty ambitious. So we're certain he gives the Republican Party fits — especially when he vetoes bills that would have required women to get ultrasounds before obtaining abortions.

Crist said he thought the bill placed an inappropriate burden on a woman seeking to terminate a pregnancy. He was correct about that. But predictably, the right wing — which claims to abhor all government intrusion in Americans' lives — went nuts. (The mental cases over at Free Republic, for example, jumped all over not only Crist but a commenter who dared to say he thought the vetoed bill was an unwarranted intrusion into the doctor-patient relationship. Don't even try to be consistent on the GOP fringe, folks.)

This whole kerfuffle got us cats thinking: What would we do in November if we still lived in Florida? We feel a confession coming on. It's entirely possible that if we were voting in the Florida Senate race in 2010 we would cast our ballot for Charlie Crist.

Why? Because much as we like Kendrick Meek, Charlie has a chance. And thanks to the extreme rightward tilt of today's Republican Party, Senator Crist will drive them mad. For example, whom will he caucus with, should he make it into the world's most exclusive club? We cats suspect that a party defined by the famous quitter from Alaska and her "mama grizzlies" will not tolerate a baby killer in its midst.

Go, Charlie, go! We cats PURR.

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