Monday, June 21, 2010

We'll See About That!

By Baxter

We've just returned from the vet in time to catch this silly Gallup poll on how "enthusiastic" Republicans are about the midterms.

Oh, bless their hearts. They really can't help themselves, can they?

Let us cats get this straight: For the better part of the last 30 years, the Republicans have been railroading anyone left of Attila the Hun out of town, creating a nearly all-white party of Southern and Western exclusionists and secessionists, and leaving themselves with not much more than 20 percent of the greater population identifying with their homogeneous little group.

And now that a poll says that 60 percent of this tiny minority is so excited about candidates like Rand Paul, Sharron Angle, Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, Joe Barton and scores of other crazies — they're going to carry the general electorate along with them?

(Ahem. Marco Rubio has fallen behind Charlie Crist by double digits. But, we digress.)

We cats wonder what the poll percentage would be if the Republican Party were still hospitable to people like Colin Powell, Susan Eisenhower, Andrew Sullivan, Lincoln Chafee, William Weld, Arne Carlson, Jim Jeffords, Ray LaHood, Michael Smerconish, Bill Ruckelshaus and yes, even Arlen Specter.

Can the Palinistas and the current sorry cast of Neanderthals carry a once-proud party's banner to victory in the fall campaign? We cats YAWN, and think not.

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