Thursday, August 1, 2013

Still Nothing To Cheer About

By Zamboni

Goodness gracious. We cats are simply inundated with news stories that make us think that the Republican Party is not long for this world. In fact, if we didn't think it sounded so brash, we'd say the GOP is tearing itself apart.

Take the cat fight between Chris Christie and Rand Paul that has us all agog. We can hardly believe it, but 10 years after cloaking themselves in 9/11 and brooking no dissent, the party's two "newest stars" are slamming each other on national security like there's no tomorrow.

We would like to remind the Republicans who are watching from the sidelines and wringing their hands to look in the mirror if they're seeking someone to blame. It was the GOP, after all, that invited Ron Paul and his libertarian nuts back into the party, ya know.

Then there's RNC chair Rancid Pieface, getting lectured by the whippersnappers in the Young Republican National Federation on the fact that the party has to do something to survive its coming Demographic Doomsday. Pieface replies that he has a "50-state strategy" that will somehow turn all this around.

But here's the problem: The GOP is still the party that believes in taking away: 1) voting rights, 2) health coverage, 3) access to low-cost quality healthcare, 4) birth control, 5) abortion rights, 6) science in schools, 7) environmental protections, 8) labor rights, 9) unemployment insurance, 10) food stamps.... shall we go on? Until those policy positions are changed, we don't see how Rancid fixes this.

And last but not least, there's the Republicans' woeful digital disadvantage. They're so excited to be getting help from a guy who used to work for the FaceThing, but just read the latest excerpt from Dan Balz's 2012 post-mortem if you want overwhelming proof of how far behind they are. Couple this with the fact that the Romneybots thought they were going to win last year because, get this: Their end-of-the-campaign crowds were big! And everybody felt emotional! Like they were really going to do it!

We cats have no idea why Silly Willy has this reputation as a canny businessman. Anybody who writes an acceptance speech based on crowd size instead of a good organization and hard data should check out file footage of George McGovern's rallies from 1972. We cats PURR.

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