Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ya Gotta Belize

By Zamboni

Yesterday, we cats met somebody who was traveling back from a CPAC meeting in St. Louis.

Wait — CPAC just met in St. Louis? Who knew? But yes, they did. And it was just another reminder of the different worlds we blue and red Americans live in.

Here this woman was probably consumed with her CPACkery — rearranging her schedule, taking time from work and family, all so she could sit in a hotel ballroom and listen to yahoos like Rick "Contraception Is Not Okay" Santorum and Rick "My Wife Supports Abortion" Perry tell her stuff she already thinks she believes — and the whole time, we cats were going about our business, blissfully unaware.

Well, no matter. Suffice to say that we did not initiate the conversation, and just as she started winding up with a rant against Barack Obama, we cut her off — warning her that we were big fans of our President and that she would just be wasting her time.

Did she launch into a parting tirade about the Affordable Care Act and how great the teabaggers in Congress were? Surprisingly, no. She just said she'd "had it with socialism" and was moving to Belize. "Great," we said. "Good luck with that."

She stopped talking to us. But if we'd been willing to continue the encounter, we cats would have been curious to know how many of her fellow CPACkers and teabags are contemplating a similar move. It certainly wouldn't do the Republicans, who are already at a demographic disadvantage, any favors. But we're a little worried about the unsuspecting people of Belize.


The Cranky Copywriter said...

It's been my experience that Republicans never offer sound arguments for anything, debating is something they don't understand. They're answer to every disagreement is vitriol.

The Cat's Meow said...

This woman was very angry and frustrated, while we cats were serene. Which probably drove her even more crazy. Good!