Monday, February 3, 2014

And Millions Of Americans Are Getting Health Coverage, Too!

By Sniffles

Remember when the right wing used to say that America was better — more moral — with Bill Clinton out of the White House?

We cats say: Turnabout is fair play. So we're perfectly happy to take credit for yesterday's gentler, more diverse, less-vulgar Super Bowl commercials.

Puppies and Clydesdales, expectant biracial families, happy ketchup, car engineers sprouting angel wings — those are the love-your-neighbor, feel-good ads we see in the age of Obama. (Heck, even Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" happened on the Republicans' watch.)

It's classic Frank Capra: When the Dick Cheneys of the world are in charge, life is Pottersville. When they aren't, it's Bedford Falls. We cats PURR.


Syrbal/Labrys said...

You just know heads exploded over "America" being sung in NOT English by NOT white WASPy people. It made the cats here smile, too.

The Cat's Meow said...

Yes, we cats saw the spot over at Daily Kos and thought it was brilliant. Probably worthy of separate commentary at one point!