Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Note To Ken Mehlman: Have You Called Jan Brewer Yet?

By Baxter

Another day, another domino falls. This time, it's the Lone Star State that's seen its ban on same-sex marriage declared unconstitutional. Yee-hah!

We cats are highly amused. Because once again, the sputtering homophobes of the right are citing ancient election results to claim that the judges are out of line. "It is not the role of the federal government to overturn the will of our citizens," Governor Rick Perry whined today.

Hey, Rick — that vote was 11 years ago! The world has changed mightily since then. Even Texas. In fact, especially Texas.

Meanwhile, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is continuing her charade of "deciding" whether she's going to sign SB 1062 and let businesspeople refuse service to folks who are light in the loafers. (Would that include shoe salesmen? Just wondering.)

We cats don't understand why Brewer wouldn't have immediately said the bill was toast. Why does she need major corporations, her party's 2012 nominee, her state's two US Senators, the NFL, and countless others to whisper, um, Jan, this bill is a bad, bad idea? It is truly silly.

On that note, here's a scenario for you: What happens if Jan signs SB 1062 into law — and a gay wedding planner goes to a florist, caterer, printer or gift-bag emporium to order goodies because he or she is coordinating nuptials for a churchgoing straight couple who are close personal friends of, say, the Goldwater family? Or the O'Connor family? Or the McCain family? Does the business get to throw the gay planner out, even though the event is for heterosexuals?

There are a lot of "what ifs" flying around as we wait for Governor Finger In Your Face to make her "decision." But we cats still think she'll veto. After all, when it comes down to mission versus money, money always wins.

(PHOTO: Tucson Sentinel)

UPDATE, 8:10 PM: Governor Finger In Your Face has vetoed SB 1062. Gee, Arizona and Texas, both within 24 hours? Bad day for the haters. We cats PURR.

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