Friday, February 28, 2014

Brady Bill 20, And A Tale Of Two States

By Zamboni

We cats are excited and somewhat smug about the recent political happenings in Virginia. It's been great to see Democrats sweep all three statewide races, and to watch Richmond Republicans squirm and whine and bleat about stuff like marriage equality. (Always, always citing ancient polls about "the will of the people." Silly!)

But every now and then — like, for example, on this 20th anniversary of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act — we look across the border at the great state of Maryland and think, sigh.

Why? Well, check out this video for the Brian Frosh for Attorney General campaign. Maryland is a state in which enhancing gun safety is a good thing. And a state in which you can run an ad featuring two concerned moms because that's the kind of message that will resonate with voters.

Meanwhile, what's going on here in Virginia? Well, Ken "The Only Thing That Can Stop An Abortion Is A Fetus With A Gun" Cuccinelli has just hung out a new shingle for a defend-the-Second-Amendment law firm — because, don'tcha know, gun rights are under attack! (Yeah, just like all those Christians in Arizona were — not.)

We cats are pretty bored with all these teabaggers and right wingers who are feeling so aggrieved — and it's not even time for CPAC yet! In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more about Brian Frosh, click here.

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