Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Would Alf Landon Recognize His GOP Today?

By Sniffles

It is super-interesting that right-wing nutcases in right-wing-nutcase Kansas have helped scuttle a bill that would have allowed businesses to discriminate against gays.

We cats never think of Republican legislators in the Sunflower State as lunch-counter-sit-in types. But that's exactly what they are — since this horrid bill would have been the 2014 gay equivalent of denying deli service to black people at Woolworth's.

Even the off-the-charts right-wing chairman of the state house's Judiciary Committee recognized that. "We need razor precision in the language of the bill as to what religious liberties we're trying to protect and how we protect them in a nondiscriminatory manner," he said.

Hm. Like the ACLU, we cats welcome conservatives' sudden epiphany on discrimination. But we're unimpressed by the whole religious-liberty thing. We are tired of people cloaking their fear, hatred and loathing in Jesus. (And we bet Jesus is tired of it, too.)

We also can't help but shake our furry heads over the irony. The homophobes and teabaggers have always railed over homosexuals demanding "special rights." But by crafting bills that would let caterers, photographers, florists and God knows what other businesses refuse gay people their services, we wonder who's asking for those "special rights" now. And we HISS.

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