Thursday, March 27, 2014

Another Example of "Bad Foresight"

By Miss Kubelik

And now let us pause for a bit of political Inside Baseball: The Virginia Republican Party is nearly broke.

They have less than $70,000 in the bank, a former Governor brought up on 14 felony counts — so, no sugar daddy to help raise emergency funds — and a nominating convention to put on (and pay for) this summer. Hm. Sounds dire.

Now, we cats know that nobody but geeks and insiders care about stuff like this, right? But as long as the 2012 Republican nominee, Willard Mitt Romney, is in his blame-everybody-for-everything mode — and by implication, exonerating himself — let's lay this impoverished state GOP at his feet, shall we?

Because we can, you know. See, if the Romney goon squad hadn't helped shut Gingrich, Santorum, Huntsman and Perry out of the Virginia Presidential primary in 2012 — leaving only Willard and Ron Paul on the ballot — there would have been a real nominating race in the Old Dominion. Which would have meant real organizing, real party building, and real relationship building, in what everyone agrees is an important battleground state.

Instead, the Romney team greedily staged a faux two-person primary — which not only helped Willard lose Virginia in November, but also squandered a key opportunity to build a stronger state organization for the future.

Actions have consequences. For a short-term power grab, Willard helped cripple his party in the long run. We cats don't understand how Republicans, who are supposed to be so good at business, keep making this mistake over and over again. But it makes us PURR.

(IMAGE: Willard at work. He looks like a good businessman. But he just... isn't.)

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