Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Republicans: "We Are All Hypocrites Now"

By Sniffles

When we cats were kittens, we learned in political science class that in times of foreign policy crisis the American political world rallies around the President. Boy, has that ever changed.

John McCain — who has forever disqualified himself from substantive discourse with his 2008 Vice Presidential pick — Lindsey Graham and Rudy Giuliani are just a few of the lamebrains screaming about how wonderful Vladimir Putin is (and by contrast, how... you get the idea).

We cats have learned to swat Lady Lindsey away like the irritating feather toy he is. He has a primary challenge from the right, and so he's frantically bleating away, hoping to survive that. But McCain and Giuliani, has-beens that they are, have no excuse.

McCain, Graham and Giuliani comprise just the tip of a repulsive iceberg: Republicans raining down abuse on a Democratic President over the Ukraine when they had nothing to say about their own commander-in-chief back in 2008, when Pootie invaded Georgia.

We're not saying that American foreign policy should never be questioned at home. But the GOP's ever-heightening hypocrisy when it comes to cutting slack for The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived versus piling on the thoughtful, careful, non-knee-jerk Obama makes us want to dump a whole bunch of litter boxes on people's heads.

What's next? Swift-boating John Kerry's trip to Kiev? We cats wouldn't be surprised. And we HISS.

(IMAGE: Rudy Giuliani, otherwise known as Vladimir Putin's new best friend. Think Vlad knows?)


The Cranky Copywriter said...

I love all your posts, but today I am especially delighted with your expression of "feather toy".
I intend to steal it and use it endlessly.

The Cat's Meow said...

We cats thank you, and please, steal away. "Feather Toy" describes him in more ways than one!