Friday, March 21, 2014

Voices Of Reason

By Zamboni

We cats know that The Washington Post is a sad shadow of its former self, but every now and then it makes us realize that anew by publishing a column that would never have made it past the paper's editors of old.

Latest example: Metro columnist Petula Dvorak, tsk-tsking over the Voice of Choice website, which has published a list of antiabortion bullies who target providers, patients and others in personal and potentially threatening ways. Voice of Choice uses the bullies list not to infringe on First Amendment rights, but to stage counter-protests and to stand up to zealots before things get out of control.

Yet Dvorak hand-wrings: Is this bullies list fair? Wouldn't it be better if anti-choicers focused their energies on lobbying lawmakers? Shouldn't they "just leave women, doctors, nurses and their families alone"?

Oh, yeah, that'll happen.

In the name of George Tiller, what rock have you been living under, Ms. Dvorak? We cats have rarely seen such a naive piece in a (formerly) great metropolitan newspaper. It is perfectly legitimate for Voice of Choice to shed light on harassers and to buy some space, and peace, for women who are attempting to control their reproductive destinies — as the Supreme Court said they have the right to do.

We cats are sick of the nutcases, the gun lovers, the religious whackjobs and the haters always getting to set the terms of the debate — and so we are thrilled when organizations like Voice of Choice push back. In fact, we might send Voice of Choice a few dollars today. If you do the same, you'll make us PURR.

(PHOTO: Dr. George Tiller's body is removed from his church, where he was murdered.)

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