Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Going Around, Coming Around

By Baxter

We cats were watching an HBO documentary on the defeat of California's Prop 8 when something suddenly dawned on us about Ted Olson: Does he ever think about how, by winning Bush v. Gore, he helped put in office the very people whose negligence killed his wife on September 11?

Which got us started on more unintended consequences. Here are a few that are ripped from more recent headlines.

In a few weeks, Scotland will vote on whether to stay in the United Kingdom — or call it a day after more than 300 years. It's partly thanks to Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron's austerity and privatization policies, which the Scots hate. (In which case, we advise US teabaggers and Americans for Prosperity to cancel that vacation in Edinburgh. They won't be warmly welcomed.)

We already know that Republican dilly-dallying on immigration, their hatred for Obama and their desperate embrace of the teabags is killing them with Hispanics and rallying African Americans to establishment GOP candidates' side. Now, it looks as if, thanks to changing demographics (and growing minority populations) in Georgia, we soon may add the Peach State to the blue-state list.

Ted Nugent's racist piggery is hitting him in the pocketbook now. Good. Our nutjob friends over at Free Republic must be screaming about this, so once again, let us cats remind them that the Nugent concert cancellation has nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with What The Market Will Bear.

Finally, there's Israel's ben Gurion airport, temporarily off-limits to American, Canadian and some European carriers due to a nearby rocket attack by Hamas. Yes, Hamas is to blame for this. But we suspect that the rockets would stop (and commercial flights could resume) if only Israel would release its stranglehold on Gaza and let the Palestinians out. There, we said it.

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