Wednesday, June 17, 2015

But... Isn't The Pope Infallible?

By Baxter

We cats aren't saying that. But we think that the Catholic passengers in the 2016 Republican clown car are supposed to think so.

So why are Rick Santorum and Jeb! Bush — and doubtless still to come, Rafael Cruz, Baby Marco Rubio and Piyush Jindal — bucking Francis on climate change?

'Cuz, the way we understand it, here's the deal:
  • In the eyes of observant Catholics, the Pope is infallible.
  • Rick, Jeb!, Rafael, Baby Marco and Piyush are practicing Catholics.
  • The Pope says global warming is real, the science is real, and humans are not only in large part responsible for climate change, but also responsible for fixing the problem. (It's called stewardship.)
  • Rick, Jeb!, Rafael, Baby Marco and Piyush either have already said — or, thanks to their obeisance to the Koch Brothers and the nutty Republican base, will have to say — that the Pope is absolutely, entirely, irrevocably wrong.
  • But in the eyes of Catholics, the Pope is infallible.
  • And Rick, Jeb!, Rafael, Baby Marco and Piyush are practicing Catholics....
And on, and on. We cats are confused, but for the time being, suspecting massive Republican mendacity, we HISS.

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