Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Confusion To The Enemy

By Zamboni

We cats have a friend who was a guest at Donald Trump's third wedding in 2005. (Tony Bennett accidentally stepped on the train of her dress at the reception. "Sorry, sweetie," he crooned with that big Bennett grin.)

So we always knew from this friend that the Clintons had attended the Trump nuptials, which, when we thought about it, was logical. The New York connection alone would explain it, not to mention the Clinton Global Initiative and all the other crossed paths since. And when the clueless inhabitants of Pundit World started gasping about it recently, we rolled our eyes. Please. The political arena is filled with cross-pollinating opportunities, and even in today's polarized red-blue America, they still happen.

Here's a more recent example for you: Jeb! Bush — that absolutely, unequivocally wrong gaffe machine and erstwhile GOP front-runner — in 2013 presented Hillary Rodham Clinton with the National Constitution Center's Liberty Medal for her many years of public service. As you can imagine, right-wing nutjobs went bonkers. But we cats bet that that's news to you, isn't it?

We're all more familiar with stuff like George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton traveling to Southeast Asia for tsunami relief, or the Worst Person Who's Ever Lived teaming up with Bill to help Haiti after the earthquake. Not to mention McCain-Feingold, the bipartisan law that, once upon a time, reined in campaign spending before it was trashed by the Supreme Court.

Long story short, we're amused that the political world seems tied up in knots by the newly reported Donald-Bill phone confab back in May. The Freeps don't know what to think about it, and neither does anyone else. We're sure, however, that some desperate candidate will try to tar Trump with it at tomorrow night's debate.

Humph. All Trump has to say is: "Hey — Americans are always saying they want Republicans and Democrats to work together better. Well, this proves that I can be friendly with Democrats." End o' story.

It makes us grin like Cheshire cats. Or Tony Bennett.

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