Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Things To Come

By Miss Kubelik

On the day that the world has learned of President Carter's cancer diagnosis, we cats are, of course. pulling for him. He is the original Energizer Bunny, and may he continue that way. After all, Jimmy Carter — we have no doubt — will be judged one of the most consequential Americans in world history.

But meanwhile, back to petty 2015 politics.

Gosh! It looks like if you browse the political stories du jour, you either get Donald Trump's offensive comments or Hillary Clinton's emails. Well, boo to The Donald for his buffoonery, and yay to Hillary for turning her server over. May the FBI settle this argument once and for all, not that any of it was necessary. (We're still trying to figure out why the Bushies could use personal email accounts without censure, but Democrats named Clinton can't. Hm.)

However, if journalists can tear themselves away, maybe soon we'll see a small handful of stories on the following:

1. What's the matter with Scott Walker? Why is he fading in Iowa? Why can't he catch fire the way (kinda) John Kasich has in New Hampshire?

2. We understand Baby Marco Rubio's under-the-radar strategy. But is he tempting fate by virtually disappearing after such a strong start?

3. Who in the clown car folds first? Santorum? Jindal? Perry? Will Perry's PAC money also dry up, now that his campaign is begging for handouts?

4. How is it that Jeb!'s public performances keep getting worse? We only need cite his "Bushes Are Not Responsible for ISIL" speech as evidence.

5. When does Jeb! start getting concerned about Carly Fiorina? How fatal would it be for Jeb! to come in behind Fiorina in the Iowa caucuses? We cats are smelling a Bush-inherent-weakness thing.

Just wondering. And if political journalists do their jobs, instead of lazily reaching for Trump and Clinton stories, we'll learn the answers. We cats PURR.

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