Monday, August 3, 2015

The New Romney

By Miss Kubelik

We cats may have mentioned that we think Willard Mitt Romney is strategizing to be the GOP's compromise candidate at a deadlocked 2016 convention.

Well, here's more proof of that, in our book: Willard is guest-starring in a video ad for Stephen Colbert and "The Late Show."

You might wonder, how do the two connect? We may be dating ourselves, but please keep in mind that part of Richard Nixon's rehabilitation in his run-up to the 1968 election was his "Sock it to me?" cameo on Rowan & Martin's "Laugh-In." And so now we have Willard getting TV exposure by promoting Stephen Colbert.

When the clown car passengers all crash into each other in Cleveland next year, and, Willard Mitt Romney, the GOP turns its lonely eyes to you — we cats predict that Pundit World will look back on your "Late Show" gig and say, "It all started there."

Except for those of us who figured out the strategy long ago. We cats PURR.

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