Monday, August 10, 2015

There Will Be Blood

By Zamboni

For the second time, a prominent Republican has gotten into hot water over a comment about blood.

Remember? Back in 2011, the famous quitter from Alaska landed herself into a peck of trouble after the Gabby Giffords shooting. Never mind that her stupid Face Thing page had used a cross-hairs icon to indicate Giffords's CD as a swing district — anybody who called attention to that was guilty of "blood libel."

What the famous quitter didn't realize, of course, was the underlying meaning of the blood libel term — which we cats are sure gets bandied about in her synapse-drained evangelical circles without a hint of understanding of its nuances. Anyway, suffice to say that trouble ensued.

That's all kinda hard to remember now because the famous quitter from Alaska is yesterday's news. Today, we have GOP clowns like Rafael Cruz, Jr., Rand Paul, Baby Marco Rubio, Fat Mike Huckabee, crazy Ben Carson and the cross-eyed college dropout from Wisconsin to kick around. An embarrassment of clown riches! The famous quitter seems so dated by comparison.

Nevertheless, we thought about her when Donald Trump, the Supreme GOP Clown of All, stepped in it with his recent comments about Megyn Kelly. "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever," he said — following up by blaming anyone who thought he was talking about — well, you know. Such dirty minds you people have!

We cats don't care what blood was coming out of what orifice of Megyn Kelly's. We refused to turn on Thursday night's debate because we don't ever want FOX "News" broadcasting in our house. But we agree with Hillary Rodham Clinton that the Trump remark was far from the only offensive statement on the debate stage that night.

Meanwhile, here's our favorite quote of all. And it goes to Carly Fiorina. Donald Trump's remarks about Megyn Kelly "were completely inappropriate and offensive comments, period." (Emphasis ours.) We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: This is either a still from a Daniel Day-Lewis movie, the Republican primary process going up in flames. Take your pick!)

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