Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Misspellings? Typos? They Give Us No Peach.

By Baxter

Finally, a flagship of traditional media has not only noticed that Donald Trump can't spell but has posted an entire article about it. Which is a good thing, especially for those of us who patrol parts of the Interwebs, making gentle grammatical corrections. Trump's tweets are particular offenders. They've irritated us for many reasons, one of which is his — and his White House's — lack of respect for the majesty and grandeur of the English language (hat tip: Alan Jay Lerner).

The Trumpsters' inattention to the written word also implies something alarming: a similar inattention to the important issues they're writing about. This does not help us sleep at night. If there's one thing that the Trump crowd has shown in 14 months, it's that when they're not committing treason or dismantling the government, they're skittering from one thing to another, out of control and clueless. As we know, that all starts at the top. Scary.

The word we're looking for is carelessness. To paraphrase a writer we admire: "They were careless people, the Trumps — they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made."

Yep, that's one hell of a mess we Democrats are going to have to clean up after November. But we're looking forward to it — if we can all survive that long. In the meantime, we cats HISS.

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