Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Bring On The Strudel

By Baxter

Obama adviser Ben Rhodes has a new memoir coming out, and it's getting people's attention thanks to revelations of 44's — and our allies' — reactions to the catastrophe that is Donald Drumpf.

According to Rhodes, "Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany told Mr. Obama that she felt more obliged to run for another term because of Mr. Trump's election to defend the liberal international order," The New York Times reports. "When they parted for the final time, Ms. Merkel had a single tear in her eye. 'She's all alone,' Mr. Obama noted."

No, Mr. President, you're wrong! Angela will always have her trusty and loyal aide, Birgit, at her side (not to mention Helga, her special trade envoy). We cats feel better just knowing that. And we PURR.

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