Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Benedict "Bone Spurs" Donald Screws Up Again

"Donald Trump and the White House communications team revealed that a US Navy SEAL team was deployed to Iraq after the President secretly traveled to the region to meet with American forces serving in a combat zone for the first time since being elected to office.

"While the Commander-in-Chief can declassify information, usually the presence of a special operations unit...showing their faces would not be revealed to the American public, especially while the US service members were still deployed. [T]he information is almost always classified and is a violation of operational security.

"'Even during special operation demonstrations for Congressional delegations or for the President or Vice President, personnel either have their faces covered or their face is digitally blurred prior to a release to the general public,' [a DOD] official said.

"The President’s video did not blur the faces of special operation forces."
 —Newsweek, December 26, 2018

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