Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Good Start

By Miss Kubelik

Frustrated by the media's focus on "optics" instead of on what Robert Mueller was saying today? ("These guys sold out their country for money, the guy in the Oval Office is probably compromised, our election was hacked, and they're still doing it and we should be worried.")

We're frustrated, too — even though we think that eventually, the "optics" angle will get stale, and someone out there in Journalism Land will simply have to focus on the substance. Whether that will lead to impeachment is anybody's guess.

But impeachment or no impeachment, there's an election coming up. And if we really want to get rid of Benedict Donald and his merry band of mobsters and traitors, we have to vote in droves next year. It'll take a lot of organizing, a lot of registering, and a lot of battling against Republicans' efforts to suppress the vote. It's going to be tough, but we can do it. We have to.

In the meantime, here's a bit of cheery inspiration: Benedict Donald's approval ratings in all 50 states, translated into Electoral College votes. Let's go, team! We cats PURR.

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