Monday, July 8, 2019

Professor Warren Teaches Us How It's Done

By Sniffles

Well, the crazy-news train barely paused for the July 4 holiday, and revved up to full speed again today. We cats are flying from one story to another. But there's one headline — besides Jeffrey Epstein, that is — that's gotten our attention.

Elizabeth Warren is raising money like it's going out of style: $19 million in the second quarter from 384,000 donors. This made people's eyes pop, since the expectation going in was that Warren would not show well this time around. She had no big fundraisers, is taking no PAC money, and came off a lackluster first quarter. And now, she's raked in more moolah than Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris — in Bernie's case, $100,000 more. Very smart play.

We've expressed our concerns about Warren before. And we've also outlined the ways that she's making inroads with us. Our major worry at the beginning was that Benedict Donald owned her on the "Pocahontas" thing. But now, after Trump's demented performance at last Thursday's Nuremberg rally, it's becoming clearer and clearer that he won't have the mental capacity to own anybody by this time next year. (It's just one of the reasons we predict that he won't debate the Democratic nominee, whoever that person is.)

Warren has earned her chops as one of our front-runners, thanks not just to this latest money haul but to her respectful-of-voters policy rollouts (see above) and her ability to connect with crowds, echoing their frustrations from the 2008 financial meltdown. So we're cautiously willing to say that we think "Pocahontas" might be yesterday's news.

Just one thing bothers us now: We don't see African-American women getting excited about Warren, and they've been such important and reliable members of our party's base that we're loath to disappoint them. We Democrats will have to figure all this out. In the meantime, we cats PURR.

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