Tuesday, July 16, 2019


By Baxter

Only in the time of Donald Trump can we cats feel bad about a dude who retired from the Supreme Court years ago and who dies at 99.

Still, even if Trump were not President (and God knows it would have been better for President Hillary Clinton to pay him tribute today), we would want to mark the passing of a titan of the Court. This was a guy who was appointed by a Republican President we did not like — but he became a champion for liberal causes and individual rights. Boy, are those days gone.

Meanwhile, we'd like to know why our Republican Congresswoman, Elise Stefanik, couldn't find it within her to condemn Trump's disgusting tweets this weekend. What will it take to give her a spine? Apparently, like her hero Paul Ryan, nothing.

We cats are disgusted and HISS — but please, everybody, REGISTER AND VOTE. Thank you. That will make us cats PURR.

P.S. Are we crazy, or could John Paul Stevens be played by Lee J. Cobb?

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