Sunday, July 21, 2019

Can We Stop?

By Baxter

Gosh, it was such a short time ago that America had a President who inspired and uplifted. A President who began his tenure with an appeal to those who didn't support him: "I hear your voices. I need your help. I will be your President, too."

Fast-forward to today and we've gone 180 degrees: Benedict Donald is fomenting hate and division. No wonder Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley calls him "the current occupant" of the White House. Any President who sows discord instead of unity doesn't deserve the title.

This hideous Trump person is proving that it really does matter who the POTUS is. Lots of Americans go about their business every day without giving a thought about the government, but when you're "the current occupant," you have quite the megaphone. Your attitudes and behaviors really do set a tone. That's why white supremacists have felt so comfortable about going bold, and why, we have no doubt, people all across the country are behaving badly.

The latest such story: the cop in Louisiana who got on the Face Thing and basically called on someone to shoot Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. That's right — a police officer. The jackass has apparently realized he's just put his job in jeopardy, because he's deleted the post. But he still needs to be fired.

Said AOC recently on Twitter: “I've had mornings where I wake up and the first thing I do with my coffee is review photos of the men (it’s always men) who want to kill me." And she doesn't even see them all — just the most alarming ones. What a way to start the day.

We don't know what the solution to all this is. Who is the leader with enough decency and gravitas who can step forward and shame these Trumpsters? Are his initials BHO? We cats switch our tails, and wait.

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