Friday, October 30, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: "The Friday Before" Edition

By Baxter

Can we agree that we're all overdosing on poll numbers, and finding stuff to freak out about on cable news or social media? Yes. So here's what to do: Pour a drink of something (we don't care what), fire up the Jøtul, put your feet up, and relax for a while. And consider these random feline thoughts:

Benedict Donald cut short his shitshow in Rochester, Minnesota, tonight after only 21 minutes. Was he discouraged at the small size of the crowd? Or after a busy day of shitshows, is his COVID acting up? Intrepid journalists, please figure this out.

Voter turnout in Texas is astounding. Yes, people are motivated there as they are across the country. But a lot of it is due to the very hard work of former Congressman Beto O'Rourke, who's been registering and turning out folks like crazy. If Texas turns blue this year, that will not only elect Joe Biden President — it will put Beto in the catbird seat for the Texas gubernatorial race in 2022.

Wow, lots of guys who like sports have come out of the woodwork and thrown up all over the Trump endorsements by Jack Nicklaus and, especially, by Bobby Orr. (Boston Bruins, pffffttttt! We Florida Panthers fans remember 1996.) The question is, however: Why is it okay for athletes to endorse Trump, but not okay for athletes to endorse Biden or support Black Lives Matter or take a knee? (And for those of you who say "Well, Nicklaus and Orr are retired" — what about Tom Brady? We smell hypocrisy.)

It is very clear that the Republicans don't think they can win on Tuesday. Not only has Benedict Donald canceled his victory party at the Drumpf Hotel in DC that night, but the GOP is going full throttle on suppressing — or not counting — the vote. Court decisions have been all over the map on this. The Supremes issued a couple of decisions favorable to voters in Wisconsin and North Carolina, but another decision in Minnesota has screwed anyone mailing in a ballot, big time. These rulings don't occur in a vacuum — they're handed down because Republicans have sued. Why doesn't the GOP believe in democracy?

So, on that note, listen: It's possible that the bottom is falling out of Trumpworld the way that the bottom fell out from under Carter-Mondale in 1980. Yes, the situations are vastly different. There was only one Presidential debate in '80, and there was a robust third-party challenger in the race, and the Iranian hostage crisis was still going on, and interest rates were 15 percent. But even with all that, in the last week, it all came apart — and it fell to pollster Pat Caddell to tell Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter that their support had collapsed. The Carters surely weren't happy, but they took it stoically — because they're Americans and they believe in our political processes.

Today, we're wondering who is telling Benedict Donald the same thing. Stepien? Meadows? Miller? And if that conversation is taking place, are they talking about messing with the vote, or filing suit, or staging another Brooks Brothers riot? Who knows what they're up to? Because these are people who are anti-democratic and anti-American to the core. The system that Madison and Jefferson set up is only acceptable to them if it keeps them in power — that much is clear.

If this worries you like it worries us, here's what to do: 1) VOTE, either on Election Day or by dropping your ballot off at a polling place or at your local Board of Elections. 2) Give money to Democrats in races across the country. 3) Volunteer to get out the vote for Democrats in your state, Congressional district, city and town. 4) Be ready for whatever happens after November 3. Because we're sorry to say, something will. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

(PHOTO: Pumpkin carving, Orange, New Hampshire)

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