Saturday, October 3, 2020

Words Of Wisdom

By Baxter

While Trump is in the hospital with the coronavirus, let's discuss his disgusting performance at the Tuesday debate once more. Specifically, his shot at Joe Biden about Hunter Biden's drug addiction.

Why does Trump think that folks would not view Hunter's problems with understanding and compassion? Easy-peasey. Trump is not only a monster, he doesn't understand the American people.

If we cats weren't so outraged by the fact that Trump put our candidate in danger of COVID on Tuesday, we could devote equal fury to his shot at Hunter. Thankfully, Biden turned it aside with grace. We don't know how he found the patience, but he did.

Here is Molly Jong-Fast in Vogue magazine, writing about how important this moment was. Thank you, Molly, for your insight. We cats PURR.

"Trump thinks he can win by shaming Joe Biden with his son’s struggles with addiction. But Hunter is just one of millions of Americans who have struggled with addiction and alcoholism.

"Neither alcoholism nor addiction is a moral failing. It’s not the 1940s. We understand that alcoholism is a treatable disease. Which is good, because we live in a country riddled with alcoholism and addiction. When this pandemic is over and we start mourning our dead in person and not over Zoom calls, we will likely be confronted by more loss, more addiction. We will have to find a way to serve these people, and we will start by not shaming them for their genetics."

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