Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Tale Of Three Veeps

By Zamboni

Nearly every time Joe Biden has hosted an announcement event from the Office of the President-Elect, he has turned the lectern over for significant periods to Kamala Harris, his Vice President-Elect. It could be possible, in fact, that Harris has had more speaking time in the presence of her boss than Vice President Poonce has had in his entire four years as Toady-in-Chief.

Has Poonce noticed? If so, is he jealous?

It's also a reminder that the Poonces have not had Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff over to the Naval Observatory for lunch and a tour, the way the Bidens did for them one week after the election in 2016. It's not only an egregious violation of manners, it's (Benedict Donald's favorite word) nasty. But then, if you scratch the surface of right-wing Christians, you'll find that none of them are nice people.

Will the press start running articles soon about the outgoing Trumps and Poonces snubbing the incoming Bidens and Harris-Emhoffs? Even better, will they do any comparison stories about how Biden treats Harris with dignity and respect while Trump side-eyes Poonce with looks of barely concealed disdain? If they don't, we cats will HISS.

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