Friday, December 4, 2020

Simple Steps

By Hubie and Bertie

It's astounding how reckless and irresponsible and just plain stupid the Republicans (and yes, some Democrats) are about spreading the coronavirus. Fat Mike Pompeo is inviting 900 people to the State Department for a holiday party. L'il Nazi Congressman Matt Gaetz just attended a maskless GOP party in New Jersey, for which Governor Phil Murphy has told him never to set foot in the Garden State again. (And now the restaurant that hosted it has been shut down.)

For every Democrat like California Governor Gavin Newsom and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock who has been a dumb COVID hypocrite, the Republicans have at least a dozen more egregious examples. Worse, they are unrepentant. But occasionally, karma catches up with them: The associate pastor of a San Bernadino mega church that insisted on reopening without restrictions is dead now, from the virus.

Team, if you're reading this, you're probably a Democrat and COVID-responsible. But for those of you out there who are not, please think about this: The last thing you want to see on this earth is a physician hovering over you and shoving a ventilator tube down your throat. 

There's no guarantee that if you get the coronavirus you'll end up that way — but there's also no guarantee you won't. The ICU is not a fun place. You don't want to be there (if, indeed, you can even get in). Take that to heart, and mask up — it'll be good practice for Joe Biden's first 100 days. We cats PURR.

(PHOTO: Mark Lennihan, AP)

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