Friday, December 11, 2020

Vacating The Throne

By Sniffles

Today is the 84th anniversary of the abdication of England's King Edward VIII. Also today, the Supreme Court has just ruled against Donald Trump in his ill-advised bid to overturn his 2020 re-election loss.

So: One Nazi sympathizer gives up his throne for the woman he loves, while the other Nazi sympathizer has to be dragged kicking and screaming from the White House after losing by seven million votes. The situations are not the same, but we're intrigued by the parallels nevertheless.

The key to avoiding disaster in each case was the fact that after the incumbent imploded, there was a solid, serious and experienced replacement waiting in the wings. In Edward's case, it was his unexpectedly thoughtful and mostly underestimated brother, Bertie. In Trump's case, it's the man 81,282,896 Americans voted for to replace him: the long-serving former Senator and Vice President, Joe Biden.

One was a king, and the other will be a President. Not much in common, except what we've noted, and this: They both stuttered. We cats PURR.

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