Friday, December 18, 2020

The Next Howard

By Miss Kubelik

Joe Biden's Cabinet picks have been swell so far. We're thrilled because, to a person, they are all smart people who have been around the block a few times and know how to fix things. Or, if they're relatively new to Washington — like Pete Buttigieg is — they're young, brilliant, fired up, and ready to go.

We have to mention Buttigieg, because there are plenty of folks who think it would have been great to have him step in as chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Yes, he would have been terrific. But it's a position he's competed for before, and didn't get. And since then, he's raised his profile to such an extent that it's right and good that Biden tapped him for Secretary of Transportation. This is a guy who will make Infrastructure Week rock!

But where does that leave the DNC? The party is already two months behind in planning for the 2022 midterms. So we need someone tough and no-nonsense in there — someone who believes that Democrats should welcome everyone to the party, and run everywhere, in all 50 states. Someone like our perennial favorite, Howard Dean.

So, who? Who could run the DNC in the spirit of Howard, knowing that the Democrats can appeal to a broad swath of Americans — because what most Americans believe is what the Democratic Party stands for? Someone who understands the difference between the word "Democrat" as a noun and "Democratic" as an adjective — who would that be?

The answer is simple: Steve Schmidt. Please, Democrats, make your most recent convert the offer — and please, Steve, accept. This is a guy who knows how to organize, who messages extremely well, and who will go for the jugular when necessary (which will probably happen often in Joe Biden's first term). We cats PURR.

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