Monday, December 14, 2020

The Electors Have Voted

By Baxter

Joe Biden got to give another victory speech today! At this rate, he'll have to give dozens more before he takes office. Here's a question: If Republicans don't accept him as President after January 20, and it keeps getting proven that he won, will he get to give multiple Inaugural Addresses?

Actually, a few Republicans hemmed and hawed and shuffled their feet and finally admitted today that yes, the Electoral College members have put Election 2020 away. Lady Lindsey, Joni Ernst, John Thune, Roy Blunt, Lamar Alexander and a smattering of other GOP clowns grudgingly said uncle. It's despicable — but preferable, we guess, to a Michigan state rep threatening violence on talk radio and Arizona Trumpsters sending fake electoral votes to the National Archives.

For those of you out there who are new to Presidential elections, none of this is normal. What we're witnessing is a major political party going over a cliff, preferring to defend an autocratic narcissist than the Constitution many of them have sworn to protect. Clear-thinking Americans are all relieved that the end of the Trump nightmare is just 37 days away, but the country is still in one of the most dangerous periods of its history. Be happy, be hopeful, but stay vigilant. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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