Thursday, January 28, 2021

Cleaning House


By Zamboni

Team Biden-Harris has not only met our expectations for their first week on the job — they've wildly exceeded them.

Rejoining the Paris Agreement and the WHO, halting the Muslim ban, jump-starting the COVID fight with the Defense Production Act, reversing the trans ban in the military, dropping the anti-choice "gag rule" — all of this and more have us near tears of joy. The downside, of course, is that there's a lot to fix and no time to waste. But Biden has moved in a stellar team of highly experienced people who know what they're doing. And he's doing it aggressively.

Trumpily, in fact. Or Mitchily. Or, just say that he's boldly going where generally only Republicans have gone before.

Because we Democrats believe in government, we're often hamstrung by our respect for process. But after four years of Benedict Donald, Biden is turning the tables and giving the destroyers of government a taste of their own medicine — for example, the flurry of Executive Orders (which Congressional Republicans are now whining about). Even more delicious: Biden is firing Trump holdovers who were supposed to "burrow" into government and still call the shots long after their seditious boss's departure for Mar-a-Lago.

They placed Trumpster Michael Ellis at the National Security Agency on administrative leave. And they sacked Victoria Coates at the Agency for Global Media. "The Biden team told Coates...that it did not care that her contract called for her to serve at least two years and that she could not be removed unless she was convicted of a felony," reports The New York Times. "Her email was cut off at the end of last week."

Will Coates sue? As Benedict Donald would say, see you in court — years from now. We cats PURR.

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