Thursday, January 14, 2021


By Zamboni

A while back, we cats openly wondered whether the White House and its contents would be safe from marauding Trumpsters. The assault on the Capitol had us concerned. Well, it appears that we've been vindicated — because today, tweeps are noticing a bunch of stuff getting carted out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, with no explanation.

Exhibit A, above, shows a US Marine giving three people the side-eye as they remove what appears to be a bust of Abraham Lincoln. WTF? Are these curators from the White House Historical Association? Why is Lincoln leaving? And why don't we know?

But that's not the only one. Peter Navarro has been spotted carrying off a large framed photo (Exhibit B, also above). Okay, so it was actually a picture of one of the meetings between Benedict Donald and his fellow murderous dictator, Kim Jong-un. But we like this one better!

You know, in a normal Administration, somebody like Navarro — Trump's US Trade Representative — would have a heckuva golden parachute at a time like this. Corporate America would be lining up to get him on their boards, with oodles of swell perks. Instead, because Everything Trump Touches Dies, he's reduced to stealing gewgaws. We cats PURR.

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