Monday, January 4, 2021

Super-Sore Losers

By Hubie and Bertie

Remember how back in 2000, Republicans taunted Democrats over the 537-vote margin in Florida? That we dared to question the non-counting of legally cast votes back then, and had the gall to point out that the Governor of Florida at the time was the brother of the GOP Presidential candidate was — well, the babiest cry babies we could possibly be.

Fast-forward 20 years, and where are we? Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and the GOP Sedition Caucus in both Houses of Congress are super-duper Sore/Losermen. Joe Biden got 7 million more votes (and won the Electoral College 306 to 232). Last we checked, 7 million > 537, and 306 > 232.

But the cry babies aren't just on Capitol Hill. In Prince William County, Virginia, which we cats used to call home, a sheriff's deputy has just been fired for some unnerving posts he made to Parler (the new social media platform to which the mad-as-hell Trumpsters have fled, the better to whine to one another). Here's one:

"Take back your state capitals. Find the homes of every governor, mayor, attorney general, liberal judge, senator, congressman and every major media/social media CEO. Find them. Remove them from their sanctuary. Bring the nightmare to where they lay their heads and kiss their loved ones. Show them that they are NOT untouchable."

WHOA. Here's hoping this guy not only got fired but also arrested. (If not, and if the cops are looking for him, they could check the nearest Proud Boys rally in DC on Wednesday.)

There was no social media 20 years ago, so we don't know if the Bush-supporting "Sore/Loserman" protesters would get this violent. But they sure seem quaint now. We cats HISS.

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