Sunday, January 3, 2021

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Brand-New Impeachable Offenses Edition

By Miss Kubelik

Can we bear to listen to the entire hour of Benedict Donald committing multiple crimes on Saturday's phone call with Brad Raffensberger? Probably not. We've read enough about it to know that hearing it with no filter would make us hack up a hairball. But that doesn't stop us from sharing a few observations.

Who would have thought that Paul Ryan, of all people, would demonstrate more — gasp! — judgment and good character than most of his fellow Republicans today? (Or is he just worried that the Wisconsin GOP is going to implode and that Ron Johnson will be toast in 2022? Note to Ryan: You helped create this monster, jackass.)

Did the Raffensberger staffer who leaked the tape right before the Georgia Senate runoff do it to get back at David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler for cravenly dissing him to please Trump?

Back during impeachment, the Republicans argued against conviction because, they said, "the people should decide." Well, the people did — and now Trump and his lackeys are trying to overturn that decision. Whatever happened to that lofty ideal, do you think? Does it only apply when Republicans win?

Finally, wow! — looks like it was Raffensberger, not Benedict Donald, who ended the call. "Thank you, President Trump, for your time." That's brutal. Take it from us: Nobody who gets a phone call from the President of the United States is the first to hang up. At least, not until now. We cats PURR.

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