Friday, April 23, 2021

Hard To Ignore The Boy Next Door

By Zamboni

A hundred political years ago, before Benedict Donald self-destructed over COVID-19, we cats remember reading an assessment of the Joe Biden Presidential candidacy and feeling nervous. Ugh, he had so many vulnerabilities: his age, his gaffes, Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, his middle-of-the-road-ism. Plus, he had passed on a run in 2016 due to family matters. So how would voters in 2020 ever embrace the guy?

As we all know, James Clyburn changed the trajectory of the Democratic primaries, and the coronavirus pandemic changed everything else. And now President Joe Biden, age 78, is ensconced in the White House and enjoying high approval ratings. Here's a recent one that caught our eye: 63 percent of college students, a record.

"You knew he kind of had the same values, but he shares much more of your values that you might have thought before," Harvard Kennedy School's polling director said. "Certainly in the way he thinks about government and America...people are responding to how quickly he's been able to instill some of his values in the practice of government."

It's the "Boy Next Door" effect, they say — on a second glance, you see qualities that weren't apparent before.

To us, it's just more proof that Joe Biden, after a long and sometimes rocky political career, has found his moment. We're not just grateful that he and Kamala booted out Benedict Donald and Mike Pence. We're thrilled that they're seizing the day — to start a whole new, post-Reagan chapter in American history, in which the government is a powerful force for good in lifting people's lives. We cats PURR.

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