Sunday, April 11, 2021

"White Lives" Washout

By Baxter

Who knew that racists were organizing on an encrypted app to stage "White Lives Matter" protests across the country today? If you don't exist in their angry, shadowy world, you were probably going about your Sunday in blissful ignorance. Which is fine, because as it turns out, hardly any "white lives" boosters showed up.

This was the scene in Fort Worth, as one lone "white lives" protester (left) faced off against a crowd of anti-racist onlookers. It was the same scene in Raleigh, North Carolina, Philadelphia, Albuquerque, and in front of Trump Tower in New York. (The head racist spent the weekend, as usual, in Palm Beach.)

Word is that the "white lives" folks weren't very adept at using their app. But we'd like to chalk it up to something else: Despite all the media coverage, and the huge megaphone Trump has given them, maybe there are a lot fewer of them than we think. We cats PURR.

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

That's the most encouraaging news I've heard all week.