Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The GOP's Cupboard Is Empty

By Sniffles

As we all prepare for President Joe Biden's first address to Congress, let's take a quick look at the current state of the Republican Party. Two words: a mess.

Or three words: a pathetic mess. And it appears they'll remain so until they can free themselves of Donald Trump. Meanwhile, with new polling out and an eventful first 100 days behind them, Team Biden looks confident and agile. And all the Republicans have to fight them is a bunch of lies.

The biggest lie — that voter fraud in 2020 was rampant — is exacting some damage across the country, with multiple red-state legislatures passing racist laws to keep people of color from the ballot box. But other lies they're pushing are just clown-car-level ridiculous.

Have you heard the one about Joe banning burgers? That lasted about a day or two. The brouhaha over "liberals canceling Dr. Seuss" hung around longer, until responsible journalists pointed out that only a few books would cease publication and it was the Seuss Foundation's decision. And of course, there's that old chestnut that's been around since Bill O'Reilly was on the air (and sexually harassing female employees off it) — the war on Christmas!

The most recent canard pushed by the right is that the government footed the bill for every migrant kid to receive a welcome kit with a copy of Vice President Kamala Harris's 2018 children's book, Superheroes Are Everywhere. The story was cooked up by Rupert Murdoch's New York Post, quickly fell apart after it was published, and the reporter they forced to write it has since resigned. (Which she could have done earlier, by the way.) It is all absurd — but then, has anyone damaged this country as much as Rupert Murdoch has?

The GOP's got nothin', as Jon Stewart would say. It will be interesting to see which members show up to the socially distanced Congressional address tonight, and how they'll behave. Will they be reduced to shouting "You lie" again? If so, they should be tossed out on their asses, and never allowed to return. We cats HISS.

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