Friday, April 2, 2021

Lest We Furr-get: Bob Dole Has Always Been An Asshole

By Sniffles

We cats are torn. On the one hand, we know that Democrats with souls more pure than ours (Jimmy Carter, Samantha Power, Howard Dean) will insist that we pay homage to Bob Dole in his waning days. On the other hand, we remember Dole for the ferocious piece of shit he was.

Bob Dole destroyed a brilliant candidate for Senate, Dr. Bill Roy, over abortion, in an extraordinarily close Senate election in 1974. Bill Roy could have been a great Senator. But Dole played on voters' fear of women's empowerment to defeat him — and we predict that someday soon, this will be a great TV movie.

Bob Dole introduced the notion of "Democrat" as an adjective, in the Vice Presidential debate of 1976, in which he talked about "Democrat wars." For this alone, we cannot forgive him.

The Republican Party is so bad today that they would disavow and/or exile Bob Dole. Okay, fine — but that doesn't mean that, just because he's close to death, we need to embrace him. We cats HISS.

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

And as the Wicked Witch of the West said. "That goes for your miserable wife, too."