Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Big Hats, Small Brains, No Power

By Baxter

We cats are vomiting experts, right? Hacking up hairballs and all that? Well, allow us to barf all over this dude from The Atlantic, who is quaking in his boots that the Department of Justice pursuing the rule of law will make some Trumpsters mad.

We've really had it with the media's MAGA obsession and the "hopelessly divided" nonsense. We will die on this hill: The crazy Benedict Donald fan base represents, at most — at most — a third of the country. The rest of us, the sane 70 percent, defeated Trump by seven and a half million votes in 2020. Do you know how hard it is to defeat an incumbent President? It's only happened a handful of times.

Yet this Atlantic writer and the cable news talking heads and the hand-wringers on social media all act as if the Trumpy nutcases will start a civil war or stage another insurrection or set off nuclear warheads or who knows what. It's ridiculous and they need to cut it out. They're just imbuing these idiots with power they don't have.

Yes, we know America is awash in guns. But not every gun is owned by a Trumpster. And a lot of gun owners are level, responsible people who think the NRA is awful. So let's get a grip.

Our hot take is that the crazies and the insurrectionists felt confident about going "wild" on January 6 because they believed that Benedict Donald, President at the time, would have their backs. (Spoiler alert: He didn't. Lots of them are going to jail.) Now, even though they're shouting and blustering and making threats on social media, they're not spilling into the streets because they don't have their precious Trump in the White House to protect them. They will fold. We cats PURR.

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